Charlton vs Portsmouth - Man of the Match

Last updated : 23 August 2004 By David Robson
Man of the Match: Jason Euell

Euell has done very well since moving to midfield last season, he isnt a midfielder - he's a striker, but he is learning to player the Freddie Ljungberg role of getting in the box and scoring goals. He was last seasons top scorer and most of those goals came from midfield. This season if he can improve his passing and tackling then he will be a big asset to us.

On saturday Euell was everywhere, he scored the opener and battled away in midfield through-out the game. I have read some of the write up's for the game and Euell isnt mentioned. For me he was the star player, when he made mistakes he automatically came back to try and win the ball back, and when other players were not helping the defence then he was, and he kept helping out the strikers in the box, scoring a good goal.

Great performance - he are my ratings for the Portsmouth game

Kiely 6

Young 6
Fish 7
Fortune 6
Hreidarsson 7

Murphy 6
Kishishev 7
Euell 8
Rommendhal 7

Lisbie 5
Bartlett 6

Jeffers 7
El Karkouri 6